How Many Schwepping Days To Christmas? - Schweppes (1954)

Year: 1954

Format: Print Advert

Illustrator: Sheila Robinson (1925-1988)

Client: Schweppes

Details: This illustration is by Sheila Robinson (1925-1988). The advert was created for Schweppes and is taken from a 1954 issue of Punch.

Sheila Robinson was a printmaker, designer, painter and teacher. Born in Nottinghamshire, she studied at Nottingham School of Art and the Royal College of Art. She created artwork for commercial commissions, her clients including London Transport, the Post Office and the BBC.

Robinson also assisted Great Bardfield artist Edward Bawden with a large mural at the Festival of Britain 1951, becoming known as one of the Great Bardfield artists herself after moving there in 1957.

She taught at the Royal College of Art until 1988. The RCA created the Sheila Robinson Drawing Prize in her honour.


Glenryck Pilchard Recipes (c.1960s)


Guinness - The Order of the Day (c.1962)