Chicken Quarters - Sainsbury’s (c.1958)

Year: c.1958

Format: Leaflet

Illustrator: Uncredited

Client: Sainsbury’s

Details: The Sainsbury's Archive dates this recipe leaflet as 1950s/60s. There is also a similar leaflet about Sainsbury's first TV advertisement in 1958, promoting frozen chicken as an inexpensive family meal. I believe that this leaflet was one of a series produced around this time as part of the same campaign.

As for the artist, the design is unsigned. However, Sheffield-born artist and designer Leonard Beaumont (1891-1986) was employed as a design consultant to Sainsbury's from 1950 until he retired in 1964. Beaumont's role was all-encompassing, designing packaging, signs, shopfronts and more. Therefore, he have been involved in this design in some way.


Do It Yourself with Crown Wallpapers (1958)


The New Zephyr 4 - Ford (1962)