Do It Yourself with Crown Wallpapers (1958)

Year: 1958

Format: Print Advert

Illustrator: Porter-G (Samuel Porter-Goldsmith 1923-1989)

Client: Crown

Details: This advert for Crown wallpapers featured in a 1958 issue of The Practical Householder. The signature says "Porter-G" and the artist is Samuel Porter-Goldsmith (1923-1989), a graphic designer and illustrator born in Bradford, England.

Porter-Goldsmith studied commercial art at Bradford College of Art, after serving during World War II as a telegraphic operator in the Royal Navy. He went to London in 1952 and was represented for "decorative and humourous figures" by Artist Partners.

He created illustrations for many advertising campaigns, including the woodpecker for Bulmer’s Woodpecker Cider and the penguin for Penguin Biscuits. He also created illustrations for children's books.

Porter-Goldsmith continued working despite being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 1975.


New York in Fall (1955)


Chicken Quarters - Sainsbury’s (c.1958)