Istanbul - Turkey (1972)

Year: 1972

Format: Leaflet

Illustrator: Mürşide İçmeli (1930-2014)

Client: Istanbul

Details: This 1972 Istanbul tourist information leaflet was designed by Turkish artist and designer Mürşide İçmeli.

Mürşide İçmeli (1930-2014) was born in Istanbul. She studied painting in Ankara, graduating as an art teacher in 1953. After working as a teacher for a while, she went to Madrid in 1960 to research printmaking. A year after returning home in 1962, she went to London to study illustration at the Central School Art and Design.

When she returned home in 1965, İçmeli started working as a Graphic Arts Teacher at the Gazi Institute for Education. She continued in this role until 1986, when she went to teach at Bilkent University's School of Fine Arts and Music. She was instrumental in founding the Department of Graphic Design which she chaired until 1989.

İçmeli initially worked as a designer alongside teaching, illustrating books and posters before turning her focus to Fine Art. She held her first solo exhibition in 1976, followed by nearly 30 more shows. She contributed works to many exhibitions and biennials at home and abroad, winning numerous awards.


Why Be Another Sheep? - Ministry of Health (1964)


Norwich and Postal Coding - GPO (1961)