Sunglasses - Which? (1968)

Year: 1968

Format: Magazine

Illustrator: Colin Banks (1932-2002) and John Miles

Client: Which?

Details: This cover of "Which?" magazine from July 1968 was designed by Colin Banks (1932-2002) and John Miles, co-founders of Banks & Miles.

Banks & Miles worked on the Consumers’ Association’s "Which?" magazine for 29 years and created all the covers from 1968 to 1988. They are noted for their brand of ‘British Modernism’, with clients including British Telecom, London Transport and the Post Office.

I came across an insightful interview with John Miles in which he says that they were limited to designing “Which?” covers with only black and one spot colour - he mentioned this "sunglasses" design as one of his favourites. One of the consumer reports in this issue focuses on sunglasses, hence the cover.


To Town Tonight by Underground - London Transport (1958)


Rail Rover Ticket - British Railways (1963)