Are Our Rulers Honest? - Punch (1963)

Year: 1963

Format: Magazine

Illustrator: Geoffrey Dickinson (1933-1988)

Client: Punch

Details: Geoffrey Dickinson (1933-1988) illustrated the cover of this 1963 issue of Punch magazine.

Born in Liverpool, Dickinson studied at the Royal Academy Schools with the intention of becoming a landscape painter. He became a teacher while also freelancing, producing graphics and animations for BBC TV.

Dickinson began contributing to Punch in 1963 and produced numerous covers. He took the position of Deputy Art Editor at Punch while continuing to freelance, working for Reader’s Digest, Which?, Esquire, Highlife, Hallmark Cards and more. In 1966, he also created the notable "Swinging Sixties" cover for Time Magazine.

In 1984, Dickinson left Punch and joined the Financial Times, producing a daily pocket cartoon and illustrations for the weekend supplement.


Recorded Delivery - GPO (1962)


The Story of the Motor Car Engine - Ford (1959)