London - Barclays Bank (1963)

Year: 1963

Format: Booklet

Illustrator: E.W. Fenton

Client: Barclays Bank

Details: This visitor's guide to London was published in 1963 and distributed for free by Barclays Bank. The cover design is by William Fenton, also known as E.W. Fenton.

Fenton attended the Leeds College of Art and Royal College of Art, interrupted by service in the RAF during the war. Fenton spent two years in India where his artwork was influenced by Moghul and Rajput painting.

Fenton created a poster for London Transport which led to work for Barclays Bank, British Aluminium, Shell, Rolls Royce, British Railways and others.


Greetings Telegram - GPO (1963)


Childhood Creativity - Kinderpostzegels (1964)