Come to Britain - BOAC (1962)

Year: 1962

Format: Leaflet

Illustrator: Uncredited (possibly Negus/Sharland, unverified)

Client: BOAC

Details: This BOAC "Come to Britain" brochure was published in 1962, highlighting England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland as holiday destinations.

The cover illustration features characters in traditional dress against backgrounds related to each country. The artwork isn't signed but a 1960 British Railways ‘Brittany & Normandy’ poster by Richard Negus (1927-2011) and Philip Sharland (1923-1986) is similar in several aspects - the costumed figure in the foreground with a building behind, the scribbly cheeks, the triangular shape of the shoulders and neck leading into the head. Negus/Sharland were commissioned to design BOAC posters so it’s possible that they may have created this artwork, too.


Foire Internationale de Lyon (1960)


Weather and the Builder - Ministry of Works (1956)